Extended Diploma in Digital Marketing
Graduates Stories

Our graduates comprises of different people from all walks of life and age. We showcase some of their stories on how they decided to embark on their Digital Marketing journey.

Extended Diploma In Digital Marketing Graduation

Mayilathipati A/L Vadamalai

I have always been interested in online media and spend a lot of time online learning new things and exploring the possibilities. I was looking to upgrade my knowledge and this extended diploma was just right for me.

I am actually a very quiet person but the trainers put me at ease and I find them to be very knowledgeable and professionals. Any questions I had, they were able to offer me the solutions and even when I had difficulty with some aspects, they were there to offer me guidance.

In my opinion, more people should learn about digital marketing to help them in their career. I do hope to start my online business within the next 5 years while I gain experience in the meantime.

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Tang Lei Jing

I am currently involved in promotional activities for the catering industry. I see more and more people are looking for information and recommendations on social media platforms for places to eat, the latest gadgets and the latest entertainment or attractions. This is the new trend and reality. I personally also make use of the internet to discover and learn new skills, that's why I decided to take up the Extended Diploma in Digital Marketing course as I believe it will be of great help to my career and personal development.

I liked the fact that there was more practical learning instead of theory as I had the chance to experience and learn more effectively. The trainers were also very patient and professional in going through each step to ensure that I absorbed what was happening. It helped greatly in my understanding of how the various digital marketing tools worked 'behind the scenes' and also have a grasp on the needs of the audience.

If you are unsure of what to do after school or contemplating a career change, I can highly recommend that digital marketing will be a good choice for anyone.

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Loh Sim Yee

I am an online seller and initially only used Facebook ads, because my customers search for my background and product information on Facebook. However, I didn't realise that Facebook ads was so much more powerful as I was only using the basic Boost Post function. Not long after I started the course, the MCO hit Malaysia and suddenly everyone was shopping online. It was a great thing that the skills I learned, such as SEO/SEM, came in handy and helped me find the right customers in a targeted manner, which was very helpful to my business.

It cannot be denied anymore that digital marketing is crucial to any business now. It can really make a world of difference if applied correctly. As people's lives slowly return to normal after the pandemic, and more people are willing to go to stores to experience physical shopping, digital marketing will never be outdated.

I can also apply what I've learnt in other places besides my online store. The skills I've learnt are crucial to any business that need to stay relevant in this digital age. I high encourage people to learn digital marketing, otherwise they will be left behind.

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Gan Wen Long

I am currently working in the marketing team of a logistics company, and I see digital marketing as the new era of marketing. I find it very interesting as well. It's a new journey for me and the knowledge I have acquired has been a good help.

After I signed up for the class, I discovered Facebook ads it is not as simple as I imagined it to be. There needs to be a lot of strategy and planning for a marketing campaign. There are many technical aspects behind this, such as brand awareness, customer conversations, and conversions. There are quite a number of specific steps and strategies that needs proper thought and planning to achieve better results.

After this Extended Diploma, I will focus to get more certifications from Facebook and improve my skills.

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Evander Kieu Jin Hui(Digital Marketer - Gain City - Singapore)

When I graduated from my bachelor degree in Marketing, I was struggling to find any job related to marketing industry because they are required us to have experience and knowledge in digital marketing. Luckily, I met Mr Johnson and Ms Jocelyn, they explained how can this Extended Diploma In Digital Marketing can help me in my career so I decided to sign up for this course.

Extended Diploma in Digital Marketing allow me to have better understanding in digital marketing include search engine, analytic, social media, email and e-commerce. After this, I understand that how powerful of Digital Marketing can be.

Thanks to Online Marketing Academy and the helpful lecturers, now I can confidently to apply the skills and knowledges I learned in my new job as a digital marketer. Thank you!

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Extended Diploma In Digital Marketing - Graduated Student
Yong Siew Huey(Elaine)

Although the Extended Diploma in Digital Marketing program is taught in English, it is not too complex, and even those with just an ordinary SPM level qualification will not have any problems understanding it.

After this program, I have a much better understanding of the definition of what digital marketing is all about; including email marketing, social media marketing, Google website analytics, and more.

The industry I am involved in relies on face-to-face contact with customers. However, with the pandemic and lockdowns, we were unable to meet up and we used Facebook and emails to convey our information or to update our latest products and services. It made me realise that our entire marketing strategy had to change and I am utlising email marketing to reach my customers now.

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Extended Diploma In Digital Marketing - Graduated Student
Ng Swee Ting(Christine)

It took me a long time to decide on taking up this course as I was worried that I would not be able to cope with the studies at my age as well as finding the time to do it. But since I work in the marketing industry, I realised that digital marketing is necessary, so I finally enrolled. I am glad I made the decision to improve my knowledge.

I started with physical classes before the lockdown and continued with online classes, which I was initially apprehensive about but the trainers really made the online classes very dynamic and were very helpful when I had questions. The trainers really made my journey so much smoother with their knowledge and experience and I would like to express my gratitude to them.

After completing the course, it has helped me greatly especially in my understanding of Google advertising and analytics. Using offline marketing, I cannot show any data to my boss to gauge the effectiveness or success. Now with offline and online marketing efforts, my job becomes much easier.

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Extended Diploma In Digital Marketing - Graduated Student
Jason Lee Wei Jie

I am working in the telecommunications industry and in the past, if I was looking for new prospects, I had to visit them one by one. With this program, I have learnt how to use digital marketing through social media and Google, making it more convenient for me to find potential customers, answer questions and let people understand my services as well as improving my overall business.

I come from a Chinese school background but I find that learning in English is not a barrier as the trainers will explain patiently and if I still can't understand certain things, they will elaborate in Chinese. The program is easy to understand thanks to the trainers and their guidance.

With my newfound knowledge, I am planning to set up a website of my own brand to market accessories and clothings.

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Extended Diploma In Digital Marketing - Graduated Student
Teo Jun Yang(Brandon)

The Extended Diploma in Digital Marketing course taught me how to use a variety of online advertising and marketing methods to increase the exposure of my company's business, and also to open an online store to have more direct contact with customers. Although the course is in English, as long as you can read and understand English, it is not that difficult.

Previously, when I was running online ads, the results and effects were not too satisfactory as I relied on Boost Post only. After completing this program, I utilised my knowledge of studying the reports and analysing the data to find the right audience, persona and locations to run much more effective ads through Facebook Ads Manager.

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Extended Diploma In Digital Marketing - Graduated Student
Foo Huey Sian(Justine)

After I graduated, I looked for a job that I could make use of my new found knowledge and I am glad that I now know how to use audience targeting when creating posts on Facebook Pages.

This programme really helped me a lot because before this, I thought, "Post on Facebook is like so easy. What's so difficult?" When I learnt digital marketing from A to Z then, it's like "wow" there's so much more information and practices than I could ever imagine.  I am glad to say that I know how to create and set up my ads, search and target for the right audience and how to look at the data especially in Google analytics. 

I highly recommend the Extended Diploma in Digital Marketing because digital marketing has now become very important for companies, whether big or small, so it will greatly help you in your career or business to have the correct knowledge and skills.

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Extended Diploma In Digital Marketing - Graduated Student
Lohidaza Munian(Director - Product Development and Merchandise)

It was an impromptu decision of mine to sign on as it was the MCO and I didn't have much things to do at home. I also felt that it would be good for my career in the future as well. Something that’s 'future proof'.

In my previous job, I was actually looking after a few things, especially on Facebook but this course really opened up my eyes and taught me so much about what digital marketing is about. I look at social media differently now, especially on the advertising side and the data analytics of it all. It's definitely a game changer for me.

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Cheng Yu Jing

I took up this extended diploma because I felt that we are moving into a truly digital age and marketing itself has to evolve along and I want to be fully prepared for my future.

I am currently planning to launch a website very soon and to implement all the skills I've learnt in this course to make it a success. For me, the class schedule was perfect as I could fully absorb and understand what I learnt through assessments, assignments and a final project where it all came together.

The course trainers were very, very helpful as sometimes I would get into a pinch and couldn't figure out my next step but they are always there to help me move forward.

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Extended Diploma In Digital Marketing - Graduated Student
Tan Kai Ling(Full-time mother / preschool education of music and drama)

I was exposed to e-commerce when I was in college. However, at that time, I felt that too much programming and coding was involved, so I switched to marketing instead. But since becoming a mother, I was interested to study more about digital marketing. I looked around and Online Marketing Academy had flexible class hours, so I didn't hesitate to enroll in the programme.

For each subject of the diploma, I had to find information, do research, complete the required work and reports. With the support of my family, I managed to balance my life and schoolwork and completed the course.

I think the Extended Diploma in Digital Marketing taught me a full range of knowledge and skills. I learned how to manage Facebook Page and create Facebook ads, as well as how to utilise Google's suite of tools to optimise websites. I also learned about email marketing and e-commerce as a whole. It is a very comprehensive course for those that want to be involved in digital marketing.

I will not only use what I have learnt to set up websites for my music and drama classes as well as solicit new businesses, but I also hope to use my newfound knowledge to start a business.

I will definitely introduce this programme to friends who are interested and let them know how professional Online Marketing Academy is.

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Amanda Mok(Advertising / Graphic Designer)

After working in Singapore for many years, I decided to move back to Johor Bahru. In order to keep myself active, I started to look for courses to upgrade my knowledge and skills. It was by chance that I learned about the Extended Diploma in Digital Marketing, which would be helpful in my future career.

As a graphic designer, I was often asked by the marketing department to create designs in various sizes. At that time, I didn't understand why, but after learning about digital marketing, I finally knew why. This course has also given me a comprehensive understanding of online advertising and know how to cooperate with other departments to highlight the uniqueness of each product or services.

The main thing I learned is a hands-on approach is the best way to learn about digital marketing. If you don't do it yourself, you won't understand the crux of the problem. And the more you know, the more you need to learn, digital marketing is not as simple as some people think it to be.

Fortunately, I found Online Marketing Academy and their professional lecturers helped and guided me on the learning journey which I can confidently apply in my future undertakings.

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